It's true, automatic garage door systems can experience a wide range of malfunctions. However, a lot of those can be thoroughly avoided if you make sure to properly care for the mechanism and its different parts. Our technicians can take over the maintenance of your door and see to it that the system reaches its full potential.
Examine Every Inch
We'll start by inspecting the exterior panels and then work our way inside, making sure to address every minor issue with the right solution for it on the spot. We'll make sure the lift cables aren't becoming frayed, that the tracks haven't developed any bending or rust and that the rollers are properly lubricated and able to move smoothly and quietly.
A Little Tension
Garage door springs are among our main focus points, due to the fact that these components have to deal with constant stress every single day. We'll check their coils to make sure no deformations started forming, and we'll lubricate them to help alleviate some of their working strain. If spring adjustment proves to be necessary we'll carry it out right then and there, thus ensuring that your door stays balanced.
The Automated System
Another main focus point would be to test the opener's safety features. This means both the safety sensors and the auto-reverse function will be checked to ensure that the door doesn't hit anyone that happens to stand in its way. If the sensor alignment isn't correct we'll reposition the photo eyes accordingly. Seeing as these are delicate components, they must be inspected to make sure their lenses haven't become scratched, as this could cause them to fail.
Our Experts Are At Your Service
Whether you want to schedule a maintenance appointment, or you suddenly find yourself in need of emergency services, don't hesitate to call our team at Garage Door Repair Gresham. We're always ready and willing to help.